Armor Of God &

​Fellowship House

A 501(c)(3) Non Profit Organization

What Really Matters

Experience something great in your life.  Be apart of this amazing journey we are about to embark on.  As we set out to build Chateau Immanuel, a 30,000 sq. ft. orphanage, set on Camp Eden, a Christian year round camp.  Chateau Immanuel will house over 500 lost and hurting children.  You have an opportunity to help us in many ways.  We are looking for financial backers, could be a one time gift, a monthly commitment, or it could be giving of your time.  Commit to help and be part this body, however it is you may decide to help us.  I am positive of this, all these children will give you a gift that will be everlasting....their love. 

family and children, their values, bringing god into their lives, their homes and ultimately their hearts

As a non-profit, how can we care in such a way that pleases God?  


Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. James 1:27 

We are Armor Of God, started by the Harrisons, a homeschooling family of 8, who had a vision to reach teach and empower the youth of our days through biblical principles given to us by our creator God and established here on earth by Jesus himself.  It all started 28 years ago when God put the calling out to Mark to build an orphanage and Christian Camp.  As God was bringing the vision to life, Mark was being prepared.  He met and married Monica and for the past 26 years they have been involved in Children's Ministries in multiple churches, they also ran and operated an urban youth program called The Battleship for 15 + years. Now Mark is the founder and family Pastor at Armor Of God and Fellowship House. Our mission is crystal clear, to build orphanages and Christian camps and grow Fellowship House into the community outreach God intends it to be.

Let's partner together and be fishers of Men

Every child needs to be loved.

Knowing that God loves and accepts us changes our lives.  He says, "I have chosen you and not cast you away" (Isaiah 41:9).  "I have loved you with an everlasting love" (Jeremiah 31:3). And He proves His love because "God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).

About Us


Every child needs to know Christ.

85% of Americans accept Christ between the ages of 4-14.  We need to impact today's youth, time is of the essence!

Experiencing God

Experience the kind of relationship with God through which you come to know and do His will. Through examination of biblical and contemporary illustrations, participants will understand and apply seven realities of experiencing God.

Every child is a child of God and deserves to be loved as such.

In today's world our children have been placed on the back burner due to the busyness of life.  In some situations, they have been completely deprived of parental love.  

Relevant Reading

The best reward is a child's love.

There are so many children that are lost and abandoned all around this world.  We can be the hands and feet for the body of Christ and open our doors and our hearts to these children.  Here at AOG we are on a definitive mission to build an orphanage to bring in these lost souls and show them Jesus Christ, through our commitment to love them as our own.

core beliefs